All play sessions are customized to your kinks, triggers, and needs.
Same day appointments and play with extensive set up and clean up, such as WAM, comes with an up charge.
In person play requires proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
20% discount for BIPOC
In person play.
Twin Cities sessions.
$400 for the first hour.
$200 per hour after that.
Online synchronous play.
By video or phone call.
$300 for the first hour.
$150 per hour after that.
Asynchronous play.
By text, email, phone, or video.
Variable from $100-350+ per week for protocol enforcement, discipline, and other asynchronous play, depending on frequency of check ins and complexity of assignments.
Lower rates when bundled with regular sessions.
Erotic Hypnosis
Live, online, voice only hypnosis:
$150 per hour.
Custom recorded files:
$10 per minute of finished file
Fly me to you.
6 hour minimum at my standard in person rate, plus comprehensive travel expenses.
Additional vetting requirements apply.
Outings and date experiences.
In person play rates plus date expenses. 2 hour minimum for a date. 3 hour minimum for a date and a scene.
Public play must be fully innocuous to observers and be respectful of working people.
Discussion of your kink practice for growth and insight.
$65 per hour
Gentle play.
Gentle, non-erotic play such as gender affirmation play, trauma-informed touch, and cuddling.
$150 per hour.
Reduced rates for monthly packages and batch booking.
My kink specialties include:
Holistic/Wellness Domination
Use my dominance to improve your habits and meet your life goals.
Service Domination
Wet and Messy Play
Scenes with extensive prep/clean up come with an upcharge
Always negotiated and ethical
Sensation Play
Body Worship
Pain Play
Impact Play
Praise Play
Role Play
Erotic Hypnosis
Wanna play Edge Roulette?
Wanna play High Score Day?
Blood Play
Human furniture, pet play, objectification
Sensory Deprivation
Gentle Gender Exploration/Affirmation
Less Gentle Gender Exploration/Affirmation
Gentle Cuddling/Touch
Beginners/Tasting Sessions
Fat shaming
Dieting or weight loss
Erotic hypnosis intended for use on others
These boundaries are not negotiable.
I do not offer:
Gender or sexuality based humiliation
Racial humiliation
Rope suspension